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focus on what is of most value to you

Executive Coaching

Clarity on the way forward, purposeful engagement and strong commitment,

created through on-going dialogue, are keys to stronger teams and synergistic integrated eco-systems.




Get a Master Certified Executive Coach as a sparring partner and use the coaching process as a resource to improve your wellbeing to increase your resilient adaptability in dealing with your daily professional and personal challenges in an agile world and gain new levels of confidence, presence and freedom. I am delighted to help you on this adventurous journey virtually or face - to-face.


Improve Leadership Strengths at every Level




As Senior Executive Coaches we work with individual Executives and Managers to create results for their organisations, their teams and themselves. Executive Coaching enables tangible results through levers that help remove barriers and disconnects.



We develop awareness of the process role and content role of leadership and of applying the leadership capabilities at three levels.


Focus on the most important Opportunities and Challenges



  • Clarity on purpose, vision and strategy

  • Reflecting and understanding behavioural patterns

  • Dealing with emotional barriers and triggers

  • Giving and receiving constructive feedback

  • Managing healthy conflict

  • Engaging, mobilising and empowering people

  • Harnessing team diversity

  • Flexing your leadership agility

  • Leveraging personal strengths


Get the Results that make

a Difference


Gain a better understanding of yourself and your impact on others. Apply leadership competencies for deeper meaningful relationships with people.

Implement learnings from feedback and insights to produce desired results.



Strong teams are the cornerstones of effective and successful organisations. Teams that are capable of appreciating diversity for creating synergies are resourceful and flexible in dealing with challenges. Aligned teams with a clear purpose, agreed values, responsibilities, and goals, are delivering extraordinary results and enjoy positive relationships for team members to flourish. 



We support teams to organise for success, to solve tough problems and to take collaborative action for achieving aspired results.





The Importance of Teams

Our Clients have leveraged

our Expertise to:



  • Launch a new team

  • Kick-start a new business

  • Develop a shared vision for success

  • Validate the business model

  • Clarify roles and responsibilities

  • Set common goals and project priorities

  • Define or update the business strategy

  • Conduct team retreats for planning or teambuilding

  • Innovate and collaborate with customers

  • Prioritize and focus the product and service portfolio

  • Address tough issues pro-actively

  • Team Coaching

  • Leadership Development

  • Talent Group Development

  • Organise for rapid action for results

  • Organisational Integrations in Mergers and Acquisitions




Create winning high performing teams that show the capacity to work with high productivity and positive relationships for delivering outstanding results consistently and reliably over time. Leverage and integrate the diversity of strengths of team members for maximum entrepreneurship and dynamic

co-creation of strong and durable solutions.

We can support you on this fascinating path to sustainable performance and success.




Bring your conscious leadership culture alive and put your values into action by creating clarity around purpose, your synergistic operating framework, roles & responsibilities and decision authorities. Ensure effective communication through all relevant channels, especially across interfaces to achieve fruitful co-creation and to get the most effect and impact with your people and available resources. We can facilitate this organization regeneration with together with

your leaders.

Effective – Structured - Engaging


We advise leaders to design and implement alignment and change that helps the organisation to move forward with agility and productive energy – through a process of maximum engagement of the relevant stakeholders for commitment and effective implementation to achieve sustainable results.




Interventions can be at the following Levels:


  • Aligning the leadership team

  • Developing and implementing the organisational strategy

  • Defining the operating framework

  • Clarifying processes and decision making

  • Revitalizing the organisational culture

  • Resource allocation and people management

  • Creating optimal networks

  • Intercultural and cross-functional communication

  • Interface alignment

  • Talent-Development, Coaching and Mentoring

  • Organisational Integrations

  • Performance Management

  • Leadership Communication Cascading Events





Make the best of your precious time together at key business events and leadership team off-sites and reach out for professional facilitation support to maximize the impact through an energizing stretch for maximum engagement, insights and outcomes. Activate new potentials through new levels of mutual trust and new levels of understanding and contributions, beyondcurrent habits. Energize your people and see them go the extra mile with high focus, involvement and rewarding heartful interaction. Plan kick-off events, team & strategy alignments, integration activities, etc., with high leverage. We take charge on the process to free you up to focus on your leadership role and the content.



Leadership in Action



Take your leadership team off-site to work on the priority business topics or leadership challenges. Take this opportunity to strengthen the leadership capabilities while getting important work done and strengthen the cohesiveness of the team at the same time.

Invest time in targeted preparation and spend quality time together for accellerated progress and augmented impact. A variety of specific unique activities can be organised, tailored on the needs of your team and will be integrated with the work you decide to focus on.




What you can expect:


  • Specific results, action plans and a write-up of the workshop outputs for your business topic

  • An memorable learning experience for your leadership team / customer team / strategic project team

  • A productive and enjoyable time together

  • More clarity and strengthened commitment to the topics discussed

  • Team building and mobilisation of positive productive energy and spirit

  • Untying the knot on what might be hindering timely advancement




Make use of targeted personal learning through individual or group mentoring or development
oriented supervision with a total system focus
and multiple stakeholders relationship dynamics
perspective by partnering with a Master Certified professional unbiased mentor/supervisor.

Accelerate your professional development and competences as a coach or leader coach and grow your self-awareness and more powerfully apply your genius in serving others with your special

talents and gifts.



Through Vertical Leadership Development you grow

your conscious awareness and expand your leadership capacity to encompass more complexity and sovereignty.

Learn about your current stage of awareness and learn how to stretch and further strengthen your capacity to lead and navigate through turbulent waters and beyond perceived obstacles.


Liberate your potential with self-knowledge and self-care with integrity to your principles and leadership aspirations.

Your Vertical Stages Leadership Profile provides you with an individual development roadmap.




Please go ahead to add meeting to my calendar

for a Leadership Profile Debrief or a Coaching Chemistry Meeting.

The zoom link will be sent to you upon confirmation.


Send me an e-mail for other web platform preferences with your invite.

Thank you. I look forward to our discovery dialogue.






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